Friday, January 07, 2011

A New Year...A New Journey..

We had an amazing 2010...lots of new and exciting changes...Grace, Isabelle and Samuel started Kindergarten, Jared started a new job, Isabelle lost her 1st and 2nd teeth, Sophia began Ballet, etc, etc...but there was one thing missing....our blog!!  I hadn't meant to stop blogging but as too often happens life took over and here we are almost a year later.  I'm going to do my best to get this rolling again....we've got a new name and new energized spirit!!  I truly love to blog and share the events of our lives...for family and friends that don't live near us I love to be able to share photos and stories of the kids, for other triplet mommy's if I can share just a little bit of insight into our survival I love to be able to do here we go...thanks for stopping by and joining on our journey!! 

Happiness Dwells in the Soul...A journey in finding more happiness in an already happy world!!

On a BEAUTIFUL December day we loaded the kids up and headed for the trails....and I'm so glad we did.  I couldn't stop smiling...watching our children explore the world around them....running as fast as they could laughing all the way.  It was a day in which I had to give thanks to God for this beautiful life I have been given....our lives are NOT always easy, or fun...but on days like this all the struggles are worth it!!   

 Hey mom..."Take our Picture" to this mommy's ears!!:) 


Helen said...

You've been a busy little blogger today between this and your 365 posts! So glad to see you back :)

~Melissa Mullinax said...

I didn't know you'd stopped, Jen. I appreciate when you write openly and honesty about life, and I really enjoy reading about the kids and what those little toots are up to. :) Keep doing what you love. Enjoy the journey.