Wednesday, August 15, 2007

School Days....

It's so hard to believe that school is seems like summer just started!! It's even harder to believe that our family has 2 more school kiddos this year...Miss Julia and Miss Beth are off to Kindergarten tomorrow....I can remember the day each of them was born.....just amazing how fast it goes!! Julia and big bro, Blake spent a couple hours with me of course I had to snap a couple pictures....I so wish I could go to school with Julia tomorrow and take pictures of her first day...but these pictures are the next best thing!!! Good Luck tomorrow girls...and all the other kiddos that are heading back!!! Love you!! ~Aunt Jen


Anonymous said...

Love the pics! They ARE growing up too fast. Thanks for taking them & letting Blake & Julia spend time w/you all yesterday!

This morning went well & can't wait till 3:3O to pick them up.

I will have Julia call you tonight to tell you all about her 1st day!

Stefanie~ said...

they are adorable..

Miss Julia always puts a smile on my face.. so darn sweet! And MY has she grown since I first saw pictures of her.. 2 yrs ago!!