Sunday, January 28, 2007

Melts my heart....

My big plan for yesterday was to get a couple individual pictures of each of my children for Valentine's Days cards...wellllll the individual shots went so well that I thought why not try for a group shot. I went in with no expectations because come on a picture of 4 kids under the age of two...what are the chances?!?! I enlisted the help of my neighbor Angie, her sister and my mom.....and several bags of fruit snacks. The kids were PERFECT...the fruit snacks did the help (for the most part) got to stay back and watch the magic happen....portraits that melt my heart. Technically far from perfect...but who cares...not me....the first images of ALL my kids together.....PRICELESS!!!

I got several great individual pictures of the kids together but for the *actual* card pictures....well folks they are coming to a mail box near you very soon...that is if your on our mailing list!!! :).....if not check back here I'll post our card on Valentine's Day!! Lots of Love...have a great week!!! ~J


Whitney said...

How absolutely wonderful! Too bad I am not on your mailing list ;-)


Unknown said...

Jen - could these be any more beautiful? Way to go!!!!!

mitzi said...

Oh my gosh, how adorable! What a great Valentine's Day gift for Mommy!!

Jennifer Mullinax said...

Thanks ladies!! :)